
Looking back at my music magazine and looking at why i decided on the things i did there is lots that i can critisice and think if i was to re-do it i could make much better.

The photographs i took i think are at a good angle, it shows two very happy children which straight away makes the magazine quite warming which is something that is very important when designing a school magazine. One thing about the pictures that i didnt quite think about at the time is that there are two boys on the front cover. This is something that some readers can instantly be put off by as they may think that it is an all boys magazine as you can't see any girls on the front cover. So if i was to do this magazine again, having a boy and a girl on the front cover is something that i would need to consider.
The colours that i chose are blue and yellow. I think these are two good colours that fit in well with the school as our main colours are blue but again, having two boys on the front cover with a blue background, again makes it seem quite boyish and could change the girls opinions of buying it. Sticking to two colours though i think is very sensible. Magazines usually keep their writing on the front cover similar colours and definately dont use many more than two or three main colours.
To give a more professional feel to the magazine i included a barcode, issue number & price which is something that you will find on every magazine.
The layout that i have used on the front cover is a very typical layout of any magazine. With the title at the top of the page in big writing, the main front cover picture to one side and the cover lines on the opposite side. This is a safe option to go for as it isn't too messy and you can see where you are reading. For a school magazine i think this is the best layout to stick to especially as obviously it isn't supposed to be fashionable. Although it is quite plain and looks very simple, you do want to have a bit of excitement on the page to make people want to buy it.
The cover lines i have included are quite varied. They cover a few different areas, they're learning based, about the clubs going on, any puzzles and games and also competitions that can be won. The coverlines, other than the picture and the title, are one of the first things the reader will look at when picking up the magazine. So these are important when putting them on the front cover as you want a variety of things that will all attract the audience. And of course, being year 7s they are still quite young so having fun things to do in the magazine is something that will attract them more than anyone.