Analysis for School Mag. Questionnaire

The results i recieved from handing out the school magazine questionnaire helped me alot when deciding what the magazine should consist of and the price that i should set the magazine at.
The results showed me that the magazine couldnt be priced too high or the students or parents would not be willing to pay the price. Therefore i set the price at £1.60 as i thought this was a reasonable price for a magazine.
The results came out even for the weekly & monthly option. This is what i expected to find. I think weekly is too often and once a year is not enough as things change throughout the year and people will want to know what is going on in the school. I decided on monthly, as this is often enough for things to have happened around the school and notify the reader on any changes that may have occured.
The types of things people said that they woulod like to see on the pages were; horoscopes as this is something fun which lots of young people love to read and compare with their friends ones, clubs that go on around the school, both for extra learning such as English and Maths but also the clubs such as rugby, netball, swimming etc.
Containing puzzles and games was something else that came up a lot in the results as they didnt want it to be boring and full of everything learning based. So puzzles and games was another thing that lots of the candidates chose to have. 
The results helped me alot because then i knew what types of headings to put on the front cover of my magazine so that it would attract as many year 7s and whoever else may be interested, as possible.