School Mag, Contents Page Evaluation

Looking at the contents page, i have done the normal things which you expect to see, for the page numbers and what you wil find on each of those pages, a picture, and then a twitter and facebook link. Although looking back now, i didnt put much thought into it. I kept the house style and colours consistent throughout which is one thing thats very important. Although it is very plain and simple and i didnt do any research into it. One thing i should have done which is very important is look at other school's magazine contents pages that have been done professionally, to get an idea of what kind of things i should include and what layouts they use. Of course every school will have their individual house styles which they stick to but the layouts you will find are probably very similar. Another thing i could have considered doing either before i started working on the contents page or once i had finished and wanted to look at extra things to add, is to look at other A level students magazines, because then i know what looks good and what ideas they have used as they are likely to have similar technology available to them. The picture i have included i think is a good picture. It shows happy students, of both genders therefore isnt one sided and them being happy gives more of a warm friendly feel. Since i designed it, I have looked at other contents pages, i found that many other contents pages have more than one picture. They have quite a few so the reader can see what types of things they are expecting to see.