Question 5

How I attracted/addressed my audience?
To help me design my music magazine and make sure that it was as suited towards the audience as it could be i designed a spider diagram showing the difference audiences and what types of things they would have/feature in their type of magazine. I talked about things such as pictures, colours, fonts, layouts, and a little bit on what type of people they would like to see in the magazine. Below is a picture ofthe diagram that i did.

My magazine was aimed towards the younger generation, the older group of teens/young adults. It is quite a stylish, r&b type magazine. The imagine on the front straight away shows you that it is quite a kwirky magazine. The facial expression gives the reader an idea of what it is like straight away. And the name on the front in big 'PIA - ELIZA' shows that she is the girl on the front, and there will be an article inside about her. The coverlines on the left hand side give the reader an idea of what else they will expect to see. It is important when choosing them because it will determine the readers decision on whether they will buy the magazine or not. Having well known artists that that genre of people enjoy is crucial. Freebies and special offers is another thing that people that age also like to see. Lots of people in this age category could be at university therefor havent got as much money as others, therefore being offered free downloads or CDs or competitions that they have the chance of winning is something they will also love. Sticking to a limited amount of colours is something that many magazines do. You usuallly only see three main colours, and maybe a few titles in bold colours to make it stand out more from the rest. The barcode, issue number, website, date, and price is i have included to give it more of a professional feel, it is something you will see on all magazines as it is imfomation or things that is crucial. The play button i have used to replace the 'A' in the title is something extra that some magazines sometimes do, just to give it a bit more edge and make it slightly different rather than all one plain text. Everything mentioned above are things  which have been included to suit the audience the most. All the little bits help to address the audience.

Another way I found what my audience wanted was by doing a magazine. I handed out a questionnaire to a variety of people so I could see what feedback I got back to help. I did this during my research and planning stages. My reader profile was another way I found out what my audience wanted. When I had addressed my genre I asked people at a festival about what they liked about music magazines and what types of things they expect to see.