Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
When designing my music magazine i used a variety of different types of technology to help me work towards my final product.

The first very obvious piece of technology i used as a laptop/computer i used both of these either when working on it at home or in school as this is where i put together all of my work as it was all computer based.
I also used the internet alot. This helped with my research and planning and also i used internet sites to help me with other tasks.
Youtube also came in use when putting together things, if i didnt know how to do something on one of the programmes that i was using, i could find a video on youtube that could help me with what i was trying to do.
The programme i designed my magazine pages on was mainly Fireworks this is great for designing magazines as it has many different tools and features which i would need for my designing and editing stages.
A memory stick was another item which i used lots. This helped me to transfer my work from different computers as i didnt work all on one computer throughout the project. Another reason for using this is for safety. I made sure i saved everything onto my memory stick after i had done some more work just incase i lost some work or a computer was to break down.
A camera was something which was also used alot. Of course we had to take lots of pictures for all of the pages so this was a vital piece of equipment which was needed.
Also for safety i made sure all my pictures were taken with a memory stick inside the camera so that my pictures were saved somewhere incase anyone else was to use the camera and accidently delete some of the pictures.
Publisher was another programme i used. This was used when designing the double page spread as it provides you with lots of page layouts which help me alot to decide how i should set it out.
Another peripheral that i used was a scanner. This was used to help me put my plans that i had on paper onto my blog as i could scan them across.

Through the whole process of planning, designing and then evaluating my product I did of course try and use other technologies but the ones listed above are the ones which I thought worked out to be the most effective and suited what i needed it for most.
I also found that Blogger is a great way to upload your work onto. Rather than having paper to carry around, uploading your work straight onto blogger is much better and most importantly, much easier to go back and edit work that needs changing slightly.