Practise Photos

Here are some of the pictures from a photo shoot that I did during my research and planning stages for my school magazine. I made sure I got a variety of different shots so they weren't all the same, I think with some slight changes they could have been very effective.
For the first picture on the left hand side I think this gives a positive vibe, it is something that is good to see on a school magazine as it shows children working together. One thing that isn't so good is that it is slightly too close up that it crops the boys head off, which isn't something professional photographers would do.
The second picture along is another one which shows children with teachers enjoying their day at school. It is at a good angle, a full length, long shot. What ruins this picture is the lighting. The sun is shinning on the bottom half of the picture, therefore makes it not as clear, and looses focus.
The third picture is a good picture. It's an action shot, very natural of three students happy at school, which is another good thing to include on a music magazine.
The fourth picture is also a long shot. It's good to include both boys and girls so the magazine doesn't look so one sided. Although in this picture the girl is looking away which ruins the photo.
Doing this practise shoot i realised that it is important that it is important because when it comes to taking the final pictures for the magazine i have an idea of what types of things i need to look out for and what things need to be focused on and also what looks good and what doesnt. Having a variety of shots is also important as it shows the examiner you are capable of more than one thing and have a range of skills.